I am specialised in shooting scene photography for dance and theater companies with a wide range in target audience diversity. My workfield spans over graduating students, starting makers, to big dance companies and established artists.
Shoot your best portrait under the lead of a calm and relaxed atmosphere. It’s all about you.
With an eye and feeling for movement, I try to capture stunning images in a controlled environment.
GENERAL Terms and Conditions
The General Terms and Conditions of DuPho apply to all legal relationships of Sjoerd Derine. The text of these conditions can be found at the references below. Applicability of the General Terms and Conditions of the other party is hereby expressly rejected.
Algemene voorwaarden
Op alle rechtsbetrekkingen van Sjoerd Derine zijn de Algemene Voorwaarden van DuPho van toepassing. De tekst van deze voorwaarden is te vinden op de onderstaande verwijzingen. Toepasselijkheid van de Algemene Voorwaarden van de wederpartij wordt hierbij uitdrukkelijk van de hand gewezen.